The story of SOULS begins with an ancient continent shattered and consumed by darkness, immersing players into an epic adventure. Set in a visually stunning world, the game features over 60 unique Heroes with distinct personalities, skills, and strategies. Players must strategically utilize these Heroes in tile-based combat to defeat various enemies and uncover hidden surprises as they embark on a quest to save the world.
Will you rise to the challenge and become a true Hero in a world on the brink of destruction? Dive into the darkness and let the journey unfold before you.
Exquisite Art Style for Immersive Gameplay
Over 60 Unique Heroes with Varied Skills
Strategic Gameplay with Tile-Based Combat
Discover Hidden Surprises in the World
Become the Hero and Save the World
Engaging Storyline and Setting
Diverse Range of Playable Heroes
Strategic Depth in Combat
Potential for Repetitive Gameplay
Steep Learning Curve for New Players